923 Products
Hlaupa & æfingarskór27.990 kr.
Ný útgáfa af Nike Metcon æfingaskónum. Metcon 9 hefur stærri Hyperlift plötu og betra grip. Hentar mjög vel í krefjandi æfingar með þyngdum eins og t.d. Crossfit, lyftingar og bootcamp. Stöðugur og flatur sóli sem veitir stöðuleika í þungum lyftum. Sérstök styrking á hliðum sem veita stuðning og veita grip […]
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- 40 % Off
Hlaupa & æfingarskór, Skór, ÚTSALA16.794 kr.27.990 kr.Ný útgáfa af Nike Metcon æfingaskónum. Metcon 9 hefur stærri Hyperlift plötu og betra grip. Hentar mjög vel í krefjandi æfingar með þyngdum eins og t.d. Crossfit, lyftingar og bootcamp. Stöðugur og flatur sóli sem veitir stöðuleika í þungum lyftum. Sérstök styrking á hliðum sem veita stuðning og veita grip […]
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- 60 % Off
Buxur & leggings, ÚTSALA9.200 kr.22.990 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Handboltaskór27.990 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Æfingabúnaður, Æfingavörur, Boltar,legghlífar & markmannshanskar12.990 kr.
The ALL NEW Elite X Shin Guards are truly the pinnacle of Performance, Comfort, and Style. With a lightweight, ergonomic design and premium, moisture-wicking fabric, the Elite X Shin Guards offer a truly personalized fit. Sheer comfort and full range of motion aren’t enough. The Elite X is built with […]
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Æfingabúnaður, Æfingavörur, Sokkar & nærfatnaður6.990 kr.
T1 – 30 – 34 CM
T2 34-38 CM
T3 38-42 CM
T4 42-46 CM
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Buxur & leggings9.490 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
FH, Liðafatnaður10.990 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Æfingabúnaður, Æfingavörur, Boltar,legghlífar & markmannshanskar15.990 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Fótboltaskór28.990 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Boltar, Boltar,legghlífar & markmannshanskar13.490 kr.
The Spalding basket ball will work well during training on external and internal surfaces. Made of high-quality composite leather with limited moisture absorption. The design is distinguished by appropriately selected softness and hollow channels guarantee a great grip and control. Butyl bladder.
Æfingavörur, Boltar, Boltar,legghlífar & markmannshanskar9.490 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Buxur & leggings14.990 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Inniskór18.490 kr.
Teva sandalarnir eru gerðir úr vatnsþolnu efni sem þornar hratt. Sterkir alhliða sandalar fyrir sumarið eða til að nota innanhúss. Mjúkur Shoc Pad innrisóli sem lagar sig að fætinum og gefur framúrskarandi dempun á álagspunktum Létt EVA bogalaga innralag sem heldur við undir ilinni Innrisóli meðhöndlaður með Microban anti-bacteria fráhrindandi efni sem minnkar ólykt Spider ytrisóli sem veitir hámarks […]
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Inniskór19.990 kr.
Teva Terra Fi 5 Universal sandalar. Léttari endurbætt útgáfa af þessum klassísku gönguskóm. Frábær samblanda af góðum eiginleikum gerir þessa sandala afburða góða. Léttir, endingargóðir og mjúkir. Hvað er hægt að byðja um meira?
Helstu eiginleikar:
- Vandaður leðurskór úr leðri
- PU miðsóli
- EVA frauð, með Shock Pad dempun í hælnum
- Microban® Zinc bakteríumeðhöndlun
- Ultra-grippy gúmmí ytrisóli
- Hook-and-loop lokun á böndum
- Universal Strapping System™
- Vibram Spider sóli með góðu gripi
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FH, Liðafatnaður10.990 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Bolir, FH, Liðafatnaður6.490 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- 40 % Off
Hlaupa & æfingarskór, Íþróttaskór, Skór, ÚTSALA22.494 kr.37.490 kr.AWARD-WINNING COMFORT Recognized by Runner’s World as one of 2023’s best training shoes, the newest member of the Ultraboost family emerged from over 100 models tested for their annual Shoe Awards. Experience its cushioning, stability and style today. ULTRABOOST IS BACK. NOW LIGHTER THAN EVER. Experience epic energy in every […]
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- 40 % Off
Hlaupa & æfingarskór, Íþróttaskór, Skór, ÚTSALA22.494 kr.37.490 kr.Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Æfingabúnaður, Æfingavörur, Boltar, Boltar,legghlífar & markmannshanskar3.990 kr.
25% stronger than the original for maximum grip revival. Revive your old gloves. Improve your new. Developed with the needs of goalkeepers in mind, gloveglu MEGAgrip enhances the grip of any goalkeeping glove with its unique formula. Can be applied before or during the game and is equally effective in […]
Stígvél/kuldaskór24.990 kr.
365 days a year. Mojito is an iconic shoe by SCARPA, designed for leisure, sport, travel and day-to-day life. The original design, recognisable thanks to the climbing boot-inspired lace fastening, and wide range of colours available have come to define its identity. Scarpa Mojito eru léttir og þægilegir alhliða götuskór […]
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Stígvél/kuldaskór29.990 kr.
365 days a year. Mojito is an iconic shoe by SCARPA, designed for leisure, sport, travel and day-to-day life. The original design, recognisable thanks to the climbing boot-inspired lace fastening, and wide range of colours available have come to define its identity. Scarpa Mojito eru léttir og þægilegir alhliða götuskór […]
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Stígvél/kuldaskór29.990 kr.
Scarpa Mojito eru léttir og þægilegir alhliða götuskór fyrir dömur og herra. Góður stuðningur og gott grip á sóla.
Fást í fjölmörgum litum.
Helstu eiginleikar:
Efri skór: Vatnsþolið leður, 1,8 mm
Stærðir: 36 – 48
Þyngd: 350g (½ par stærð 42)Veldu kosti This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page